Active Voice For Simple Future Tense

Concept Explanation

Active Voice For Simple Future Tense

Conversion  of Passive Voice Sentence into Active Voice For Simple Future Tense:

Rule used to identify that the sentence is in Passive Form with simple future tense is:

subject + will/shall + be + third form of verb + by + object.

For Example:

  • Students will be taught by teachers. ( passive )
  • The subject is 'students', object is teachers and 'taught'  is the third form of the verb teach.'by' is used here according to the format.

    While converting into Active Voice the rule will be :

    subject + will/shall + first form of verb + object

  •      Teachers will teach students. ( active )
  • The subject 'students' will change into subject (teachers) and the object 'teachers' will change into object (students). The first form of verb will be used in simple future tense.

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    Sample Questions
    (More Questions for each concept available in Login)
    Question : 1

    Change into active voice.

    Active : My brother will come after we _________ (take) our dinner.

    Right Option : A
    View Explanation
    Question : 2

    Change passive voice into active voice for future tense .

    You will be defended from dangerous situation by the bodyguards .

    Right Option : C
    View Explanation
    Question : 3

    Change passive voice into active voice for future tense.

    Lecture on the impact of climate change will be given by Nandita .

    Right Option : A
    View Explanation
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