
Class - 9th CBSE Subjects
Everything You need to know

Here, we will cover the various topics regarding the Subject Mathematics for Class 9. The concepts that are mastered in the lower classes help us to crack many entrance exams like JEE Main, JEE Advanced, etc. At ABHYASONLINE. IN you can master the concepts at your own learning pace. It provides conceptual testing with an analytical report identifying the weak, moderate and strong concepts. The student can revise the weak concepts with the help of videos and can attempt the remedial test to know the present level of understanding. We at ABHYASONLINE believe that if the weak concepts are identified and improved then every student can achieve their goals in life. Follow the links below to master each and every concept of various topics in  Mathematics along with video lectures.


Explore Chapters


Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Algebraic Identity - Square of Sum of Binomial

- Algebraic Identity - Square of difference of Binomial

- Algebraic Identity - Dfference of Square

- Algebraic Identity -3

- Algebraic Identity - Square of Trinomial

- Factorization into Monomials

- Factorization by Grouping of Terms

- Factorization by Middle Term Splitting

- Division of Polynomial by another Polynomial Long Division

Sample Test(s)
Test Name
Topics / Chapters
Questions / Marks
Tutorial - 9th - Maths [Polynomials II]
Polynomials II
10 / 10
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Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Solving Linear Equations without Brackets

- Solving Equation with Brackets

- Statement Sums involving Linear Equations

- Solving Statements Involving Age

- Solving Statements For A Two Digit Number

- Statement sums involving Coins

- Problems Based on Speed

- Solving Statement For Upstream And Downstream

Sample Test(s)
Test Name
Topics / Chapters
Questions / Marks
Tutorial - 9th - Maths [Linear Equations in One Variable]
Linear Equations in One Variable
10 / 10
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Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Euclid Definition

- Euclid Axioms

- Seven Axioms

- Euclid Postulates


Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Angle at the Centre is Double The Angle at Circumference

- Angles in the Same Segment are Equal

- Angle in a Semicircle

- Cyclic Quadrilateral

Sample Test(s)
Test Name
Topics / Chapters
Questions / Marks
Tutorial - 9th - Maths [Circles III]
Circles III
10 / 10
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Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Side opposite to larger angle is greater

- Angle opposite to longer side is greater

- Sum of two sides of a triangle is greater than the Third Side

Sample Test(s)
Test Name
Topics / Chapters
Questions / Marks
Tutorial - 9th - Maths [Triangles III]
Triangles III
10 / 10
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Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Congruence of Triangles By SSS Criteria

- Congruence of Triangles By RHS Criteria

- Angles Opposite Equal Sides are Equal

- Sides Opposite Equal Angles are Equal

Sample Test(s)
Test Name
Topics / Chapters
Questions / Marks
Tutorial - 9th - Maths [Triangles II]
Triangles II
10 / 10
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Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Calculating Perimeter of Triangle

- Congruence of Triangles

- Congruence of Triangles By SAS Criteria

- Congruence of Triangles By ASA Criteria

- Congruence of Triangles By AAS Criteria

Sample Test(s)
Test Name
Topics / Chapters
Questions / Marks
Tutorial - 9th - Maths [Triangles I]
Triangles I
10 / 10
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Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Angle Sum Property of a Triangle

- Exterior Angle Property

- Angle and Angle Bisector

Sample Test(s)
Test Name
Topics / Chapters
Questions / Marks
Tutorial - 9th - Maths [Lines and Angles III]
Lines and Angles III
10 / 10
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Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Parallel lines and Transversal

- Corresponding Angles

- Interior and Exterior Angles in Parallel Lines

- Alternate Angles

- Co Interior Angles

Sample Test(s)
Test Name
Topics / Chapters
Questions / Marks
Tutorial - 9th - Maths [Lines and Angles II]
Lines and Angles II
10 / 10
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Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Line, Line Segment and Ray

- Collinear Points

- Types of Angles

- Complementary Angles

- Supplementary Angles

- Adjacent Angles

- Linear Pair

- Vertically Opposite Angles

- Angles on a Straight Line

Sample Test(s)
Test Name
Topics / Chapters
Questions / Marks
Tutorial - 9th - Maths [Lines and Angles I]
Lines and Angles I
10 / 10
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Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Law 1 Product of exponents

- Law 3 Inverse of Exponents

- Law 4 Power of Exponents

- Express in Exponential Form

- Law 5 Zero Exponent

- Law 2 Division of Exponents

- Product of base when exponent is same

Sample Test(s)
Test Name
Topics / Chapters
Questions / Marks
Tutorial - 9th - Maths [Number System III]
Number System III
10 / 10
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Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Converting Non Terminating Repeating Decimals into Fractions

- Number Line using Successive Magnification

- Plotting any Irrational Numbers On a Number Line

- Rationalization

Sample Test(s)
Test Name
Topics / Chapters
Questions / Marks
Tutorial - 9th - Maths [Number System II]
Number System II
10 / 10
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Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Natural Number Whole number and Negative Integers

- Real Numbers on a Number Line

- Finding Rational Numbers between two Rational Numbers

- Converting Fractions into Decimal

- Converting Terminating Decimals into Fractions

- Rational and Irrational Numbers

- Properties of Irrational Numbers

- Plotting Irrational Numbers on a Number Line as a Spiral

Sample Test(s)
Test Name
Topics / Chapters
Questions / Marks
Tutorial - 9th - Maths [Number System I]
Number System I
10 / 10
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Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Factorization of Cubic Polynomial

- Algebraic Identity - Sum of Cubes

- Algebraic Identity - Difference of Cubes

- Algebraic Identity -Cube of Sum of Binomial

- Algebraic Identity -Cube of Difference of Binomial

- Algebraic Identity- Conditional

- Factorisation Using Square Identities

- Factorisation Using Cubic Identities

Sample Test(s)
Test Name
Topics / Chapters
Questions / Marks
Tutorial - 9th - Maths [Polynomials III]
Polynomials III
10 / 10
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Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Perimeter of a Figure

- Area of Square

- Area of Rectangle

- Area of a Parallelogram

- Area of Triangle

- Area of Equilateral Triangle

- Area with Herons Formula

- Area of Path and Verandah

Sample Test(s)
Test Name
Topics / Chapters
Questions / Marks
Tutorial - 9th - Maths [Herons Formula Complete]
Herons Formula Complete
10 / 10
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Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Like and Unlike Terms

- Finding Value of an Expression

- Polynomial Expression

- Degree of a Term

- Degree of a Polynomial

- Standard Form For a Polynomial

- Multiplication of Binomials

- Division of Polynomial by a Monomial

- Factor And Remainder Theorem

- Multiplication of Polynomials

Sample Test(s)
Test Name
Topics / Chapters
Questions / Marks
Tutorial - 9th - Maths [Polynomial I]
Polynomial I
10 / 10
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Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Volume of a cube

- Volume of a cuboid

- Volume of cylinder

- Volume of Cone

- Volume of Sphere

- Volume of Hemisphere

- Volume of Composite Solids

- Melting and Recasting

- Volume of Prism

- Volume of Hollow Cylinder

- Volume of Spherical shell

Sample Test(s)
Test Name
Topics / Chapters
Questions / Marks
Tutorial - 9th - Maths [Surface Area and Volume II]
Surface Area and Volume II
10 / 10
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Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Surface Area of a Cube

- Lateral Surface Area of a Cube

- Total surface area of a cuboid

- Lateral Surface Area of a Cuboid

- Total Surface Area of Cone

- Lateral Surface Area of Cone

- Total Surface Area of Cylinder

- Lateral Surface Area of a Cylinder

- Surface Area of Sphere

- Total Surface Area of Hemisphere

- Lateral Surface Area of Hemisphere

- Surface Area of Composite Figures

- Lateral Surface Area of Hollow Cylinder

- Surface Area of Hollow Cylinder

- Surface Area of Spherical Shell

Sample Test(s)
Test Name
Topics / Chapters
Questions / Marks
Tutorial - 9th - Maths [Surface Area and Volume I]
Surface Area and Volume I
10 / 10
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Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Cartesian Plane

- Quadrants in the Cartesian Plane

- Location of Coordinates in a Plane

- Points lying on X-axis and Y-axis

Sample Test(s)
Test Name
Topics / Chapters
Questions / Marks
Tutorial - 9th - Maths [Coordinate Geometry]
Coordinate Geometry
10 / 10
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Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Median and Altitude of Triangle

- Triangles on Same Base and Between Same Parallels

- Relation between Area of Parallelogram and Triangle

Sample Test(s)
Test Name
Topics / Chapters
Questions / Marks
MOCK (F) - 9th - Maths [Areas Of Parallelograms And Triangles I, Areas Of Parallelograms And Triangles II]
Areas Of Parallelograms And Triangles I, Areas Of Parallelograms And Triangles II
15 / 15

Tutorial - 9th - Maths [Areas Of Parallelograms And Triangles II]
Areas Of Parallelograms And Triangles II
10 / 10
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Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Congruent Figures

- Figures on the Same Base and Between the Same Parallels

- Parallelograms on Same Base and Between Same Parallels

- Area of Parallelograms

- Area of Triangle

Sample Test(s)
Test Name
Topics / Chapters
Questions / Marks
MOCK (F) - 9th - Maths [Areas Of Parallelograms And Triangles I, Areas Of Parallelograms And Triangles II]
Areas Of Parallelograms And Triangles I, Areas Of Parallelograms And Triangles II
15 / 15

Tutorial - 9th - Maths [Areas Of Parallelograms And Triangles I]
Areas Of Parallelograms And Triangles I
10 / 10
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Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Perpendicular From Centre of Circle Bisects the Chord and Vice Versa

- Equal Chords are Equidistant from the Center of Circle

- Concentric Circles Problems

Sample Test(s)
Test Name
Topics / Chapters
Questions / Marks
Tutorial - 9th - Maths [Circles II]
Circles II
10 / 10
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Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Circle and Related Terms

- Radius Chord Secant Tangent Difference

- Arc of a Circle

- Chord and Segment of a Circle

- Equal Chords of a Circle Subtend Equal Angle at the Centre

Sample Test(s)
Test Name
Topics / Chapters
Questions / Marks
Tutorial - 9th - Maths [Circles I]
Circles I
10 / 10
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Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Properties of Rectangle

- Diagonals of a Rectangle Are of Equal Length

- Properties of Rhombus

- The Diagonal of a Rhombus are Perpendicular to Each Other

- Properties of Square

- Diagonals of Square Are Equal and Perpendicular to Each Other.

- Mid Point Theorem

- Converse Mid Point Theorem

Sample Test(s)
Test Name
Topics / Chapters
Questions / Marks
Tutorial - 9th - Maths [Quadrilaterals II]
Quadrilaterals II
10 / 10
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Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Types of Quadrilateral

- Angle Sum Property of Quadrilateral

- Diagonal of a Parallelogram Divides it into Two Congruent Triangles

- In A Parallelogram, Opposite Sides Are Equal

- Opposite Angles of a Parallelogram are Equal

- The Diagonals of a Parallelogram Bisect Each Other

- The Bisectors of any Two Consecutive Angles of a Parallelogram Intersect at Right Angle

- Diagonal of a Parallelogram Which Bisects One Angle It Bisects The Second Angles

- The Angle Bisectors of a Parallelogram Form a Rectangle

- Quadrilateral With One Opposite Pair Of Side Equal and Parallel is a Parallelogram

- Properties of Parallelogram

Sample Test(s)
Test Name
Topics / Chapters
Questions / Marks
Tutorial - 9th - Maths [Quadrilaterals I]
Quadrilaterals I
10 / 10
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Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Mean of Ungrouped Data

- Median of Ungrouped Data

- Mode of Ungrouped Data

- Empirical Formula for Mean Median and Mode

Sample Test(s)
Test Name
Topics / Chapters
Questions / Marks
Tutorial - 9th - Maths [Statistics II]
Statistics II
10 / 10
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Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Statistics

- Statistical Data

- Data and its Interpretation

- Range of Data

- Class Size

- Class Mark

- Frequency Distribution

- Bar Graph

- Double Bar Graph

- Histogram

- Frequency Polygon

Sample Test(s)
Test Name
Topics / Chapters
Questions / Marks
Tutorial - 9th - Maths [Statistics I]
Statistics I
10 / 10
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Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Linear Expression

- Linear Expression in One Variable

- Linear Expression in Two Variable

- Linear Equations

- Linear Equation in One Variable

- Finding Solution of Linear Equation in One Variable

- Linear Equation in Two Variable

- Standard form of Linear Equations in Two Variables

- Finding Solutions of Linear Equations in Two Variables

- Finding Value using Substitution

- To check whether a given pair is a solution of the linear equation

- To find the value of a Constant from solution

- Plotting a Linear Equation On Graph

- Representing an Equation in one variable on a graph

- Finding Solutions From Graph

- Word Problems Representation

Sample Test(s)
Test Name
Topics / Chapters
Questions / Marks
Tutorial - 9th - Maths [Linear Equations in Two Variables]
Linear Equations in Two Variables
10 / 10
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Students / Parents Reviews [20]