Lymph as Fluid Connective Tissue

Concept Explanation

Lymph as Fluid Connective Tissue

Lymph is a straw-coloured fluid surrounding the cells. It is similar to blood in composition except that it does not have RBC's and proteins, and contains less calcium and phosphorus than blood. The WBC's present in the lymph can reach any part of the body, where they are required, by amoeboid movement. There they ‘ingest’ germs the way Amoebae ingest food. The lymph forms the defence system of the body. It also transports nutrients.

Location : Lymph flows through lymph vessels and lymph capillaries. Most of the tissues and organs pour their secretions and excretions into lymph instead of blood. However, lymph is ultimately passed into blood.

Functions of Lymph: -

  • It helps in exchange of materials between blood and tissues fluid. Actually, it acts as a middle man between tissues and blood. It brings carbon dioxide and wastes from tissues to blood and nutrients, oxygen etc from blood to tissues.
  • The lymph nodes and lymphoid organs (like spleen) function as traps for microbes.
  • Lacteal, a special type of lymph vessel present in intestinal villi helps in absorption of fat from intestine.
  • Lymph also maintains the blood volume by removing or adding excess plasma.
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    Sample Questions
    (More Questions for each concept available in Login)
    Question : 1

     Fluid that  brings carbon dioxide and wastes from tissues to blood and nutrients, oxygen etc from blood to tissues is ___________.

    Right Option : B
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    Question : 2

    Which of the following are correct :

    (a) Lymph is a straw-coloured fluid surrounding the cells.

    (b) Lymph flows through lymph vessels and lymph capillaries.

    (c) Lymph helps in exchange of materials between blood and tissues fluid.

    Right Option : D
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    Question : 3

    Lymph vessel present in intestinal villi helps in absorption of fat from intestine are known as__________________ .

    Right Option : C
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