Skeletal Connective Tissue

Concept Explanation

Skeletal Connective Tissue

Tissue is group of cells that perform a particular function. There are present different type of tissues in the body. One of them is skeletal tissues.

Skeletal Tissue:

Skeletal tissue is of two types : Cartilage and Bone.

Cartilage:  Cartilage is a connective tissue in which the intercellular matrix is composed of proteins, slightly hardened by calcium salts. The cartilage cells (chondroblasts) are widely spaced and the matrix is reinforced by fibres. Cartilage is usually covered by a tough fibrous membrane called perichondrium. Cartilage occurs at the joints of bones, in the nose, ear, trachea and larynx. It helps smooth the surface at the joints. It lends support and provides flexibility.

Bone cells (osteoblasts) have very fine canals (canaliculi) emerging from the cell membrane. Bone cells are embedded in a hard matrix, which is strengthened by fibres, and hardened by calcium and phosphorus salts. The matrix is deposited in the form of concentric layers of lamellae formed around a central canal (Haversian canal). The bone cells occupy small spaces between the concentric layers of matrix. There may be a few bone-dissolving cells in the matrix called osteoclasts. The soft connective tissue present in the bone cavity is known as bone marrow. Sheath of bone is called periosteum.

Bones are of two types : 

1. Spongy bone : In this bone cells are irregularly arranged. Such bones are found at the ends of the long bones.

2. Compact bonesIn which cells are arranged in circles or lamellae around a central canal, haversian canal.


Sample Questions
(More Questions for each concept available in Login)
Question : 1

Which of the following are correct ?

(a)  Cartilage occurs at the joints of bones, in the nose, ear, trachea and helps smooth the surface at the joints. 

(b)  The bone cells have very fine canals emerging from the cell membrane. 

(c)  In spongy bone  the cells are irregularly arranged.

Right Option : D
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Question : 2

The soft connective tissue present in the bone cavity is known as ___________________ .

Right Option : A
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Question : 3

Which of the following are correct /

(a) Tissue is group of cells that perform a particular function.

(b) Skeletal tissue is of two types Cartilage and Bone.

Right Option : C
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