Hand Picking Technique

Concept Explanation

Hand Picking Technique

You know that a mixture consists of two or more substances mixed together in any proportion. These substances are called components which retain their individual identities in the mixture. No new or different substance is produced as a result of mixing, though the mixture may look different in texture and appearance. Since the components retain their individual identities, it is possible to separate them by employing various methods. Some of these methods are discussed below:

Hand-picking : Bigger and visible component of a mixture can be separated by hand-picking or by using forceps. For example, pieces of stone may be separated from rice by hand-picking. It is the simplest method of separation of substances. It means to take out by hand. This method is used only when unwanted material is in small quantity. Moreover, shape, size, or colour of the unwanted material is different from that of the useful materials. For example; pebbles, broken grains and insects are separated from rice, wheat and pulses by handpicking.

Sample Questions
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Question : 1

A few coloured glass pieces that are bigger in size are mixed with sugar. The easiest way to separate them is  __________________


Right Option : C
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Question : 2

Pieces of pebbles can be separated from soil by the process of  ____________________

Right Option : C
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Question : 3

The method that we can use to separate stones and insects from rice ?

Right Option : A
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