Plasma state of matter

Concept Explanation

Plasma state of matter

Plasma: state of matter

Scientists are reported to have discovered a new state of matter which is called ‘plasma state’. This state does not fit into any of the hitherto known three states of matter. Hence it is called the ‘forth state of matter.’

Plasma state consists of highly ionized gas in which the particles exist in super energetic and super excited state. For example: fluorescent tubes and neon sign bulbs. Fluorescent tubes contain helium or other gases. When electric current is passed through gas, it produces glowing plasma, having a characteristic colour depending upon the nature of gas. Plasma is produced in the sun and in stars due to high temperature. It is the presence of plasma that makes them glow.

Sample Questions
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Question : 1

Which of the following are correct :

(a) Plasma state consists of highly ionized gas in which the particles exist in super energetic and super excited state.

(b)  Plasma is produced in the sun and in stars due to high temperature.

(c) Fluorescent tubes contain helium or other gases.

Right Option : D
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Question : 2

Match the entries in Column 1 with entries in Column 2:                                               

Column IColumn II
A) Diffusionp) Solids
B) Definite shapeq) Liquids
C) Definite volumer) Gases
D) Compressibilitys) Plasma
Right Option : A
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Question : 3

_________________________  state consists of highly ionized gas in which the particles exist in super energetic and super excited state.

Right Option : D
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