Retarding Force

Concept Explanation

Retarding Force

A retarding force , is simply the force that is applied in the direction opposite to the direction of motion and produces deacceleration in a body or it  produces negative acceleration. When ever a retarding forced is applied on the body  its velocity decreases  and with the passage of time the body may stop moving. In a velocity time graph the retarding motion is shown as a straight line with negative slope in case of uniform retarding motion or with a downward curve in the case of a non uniform retarding force. Retarding motion can be shown using velocity-time graph in case of uniform motion as below.


Different examples of retarding motion are:

  • Velocity of the vehicle decreases when brakes are applied.
  • Landing of aeroplane
  • Stone thrown upwards
  • A train reaching at a station
  • A ball thrown on an even road
  • Sample Questions
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