The Human Ear

Concept Explanation

The Human Ear

The Human Ear: The ears are the sense organs which helps us in hearing sound. It allows us to convert pressure variations in air with audible frequencies into electric signals which travel to the brain via auditory nerve. The ear consists of three compartments: Outer ear, Middle ear and Inner ear.

1.   Outer Ear: The part of ear which we see outside the head is outer ear. It consists of a broad part pinna and about 3 cm long passage ear canal. At the end of ear canal, a thin, elastic and circular membrane, eardrum is present, which is also called tympanum or tympanic membrane.

2.   Middle Ear: Contains three small bones- hammer, anvil and stirr up, which are connected with each other. One end of hammer is touching the eardrum and the free end of stirr up is touched to oval-window of inner ear. The lower part of middle ear has a narrow tube called eustachian tube going to the throat. It ensures that the air pressure inside the middle ear is the same as that on the outside.

3.   Inner Ear: It has a coiled tube, cochlea. One side of cochlea is connected to middle ear through elastic membrane over the oval window. A liquid is filled in cochlea, which contains nerve cells that are sensitive to sound. The other side of cochlea is connected to auditory nerve going into the brain

Sample Questions
(More Questions for each concept available in Login)
Question : 1

Which of the following are correct :

(a) The part of the outer ear that is visible to us is called pinna.

(b) The middle ear is the cavity with three important ear bones.

(c) In the inner ear, the pressure variations are turned into electrical signals by the chochlea.

Right Option : D
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Question : 2

Human ears can sense sound waves travelling in air having wavelength of ________________________

Right Option : C
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Question : 3

The part of the ear that is filled with a liquid is the 

Right Option : A
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