Subordinating Conjunction

Concept Explanation

Subordinating Conjunction

Subordinating Conjunction:

They are used to connect two groups of words or two statements, one of which is dependent on the other. Some subordinating conjunctions are though / although, since, after, till / until, as, because, before, if, while, when, whether, lest, as if, as soon as, as long as, as though, than,etc.

Subordinating conjunctions join the main (or independent) and subordinate (or dependent) clauses together.

Main clauses are clauses that can stand on their own as complete sentences. Subordinating clauses , on the other hand, do not make sense on their own. So, they need to be attached to a main clause with a subordinating conjunction in order to be considered grammatically correct.

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Sample Questions
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Question : 1

Fill the blank part with correct conjunction .

1. We can’t go to the mall __________ our car broke down. 

2.___________ he was tired, he agreed to help me out.

3. ________ she finishes the work given, she cannot go home.

Right Option : B
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Question : 2

Fill in the blank.

Alice is too lazy to even answer the door ________________________  she is the only one free enough to do it.

Right Option : A
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Question : 3

Fill in the blank

I like  traveling by sea _________________ it is not rough.

Right Option : D
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