Computer Generations

Concept Explanation

Computer Generations

Generation in computer terminology is a change in technology a computer is/was being used. Initially, the generation term was used to distinguish between varying hardware technologies. Nowadays, generation includes both hardware and software, which together make up an entire computer system. There are five computer generations known till date. Each generation has been discussed in detail along with their time period and characteristics. In the following table, approximate dates against each generation has been mentioned, which are normally accepted.

Computer Generations

1. First Generation (1940-1956): Vacuum Tubes

The first generation computers used vacuum tubes for circuitry and magnetic drums (333 micro seconds)  for memory . First-generation computers were used for calculation, storage, and control purpose. They were too bulky and large that they needed a full room and consume lot of electricity. In first generation of computers using batch operating system(machine language binary number 0's and 1's ) .

Characteristics : 

  • fastest computing devices.
  • generate large amount of heat .
  • non portable .
  • Applications : 

  • used for scientific purpose e.g, ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer), UNIVAC (UNIVersal Automatic Computers) , MARK-1 , etc. 
  • 2.Second Generation (1956-1963): Transistors (made up of semiconductors)

    Transistors replaced vacuum tube and were used in the second generation computer. Transistor is a device composed of semiconductor material that amplifies a signal or opens or closes a circuit. the storage device is magnetic core technology (10 micro seconds) . The operating system is time sharing , multitasking (assembly language , high level language) . 

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    Sample Questions
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    Question : 1

    Computer built before the first generation computer were _______________________

    Right Option : B
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    Question : 2

    Third Generation computers were based on ______________________________

    Right Option : A
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    Question : 3

    Chief component of first generation computer was ______________________-

    Right Option : B
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