One Words Denoting Science Arts F-Z

Concept Explanation

One Words Denoting Science Arts F-Z

One Word Substitution : - One Word Substitutions (Substitutes) may be defined as single words that are used in place of a group of words to denote a person, an object, a place, a state of mind a profession etc. In common parlance they are termed as single words used to make an expression brief and pertinent. Polonius in 'Hamlet', a play by Shakespeare, aptly remarks

"Therefore since brevity in the soul of wit.

The tediousness the limbs and outward flourishes I will be brief".

As such the use of one word substitutions tend to obviate the repetition of unnecessary words avoiding verbosity and ambiguity. Rambling style speaks of a rambling state of mind whereas brevity conveys telling effect.

Moreover, one word substitutions are indispensable while writing a precis of a given passage. A student is required not to exceed the limit of words. They come in handy in such situations. Hence their significance cannot be gainsaid and students are advised to learn them very seriously.A few of one word substitutes are given below for the benefit of the students.

  • Ganealogy : - the study of family ancestries and histories
  • Genetics : - the branch of biology dealing with the phenomenon of heredity and the laws governing it
  • Geology : - the science that deals with the physical history of the earth
  • Gymnastics  : - the art of performing acrobatics feats
  • Heliotherapy : -  the sun cure
  • Histology : - the study of tissues
  • Horticulture : - the cultivation of flowers, fruits, vegetables and ornamental plants
  • Hydropathy : - the treatment of diseases by the internal and external use of water
  • Hagiology : - study of the lives of saints
  • Iconography : - teaching with the aid of pictures and models
  • Iconology : - the study of symbolic representations
  • Jurisprudence : - the science of law
  • Lexicography : - the writing or compiling of dictionaries
  • Numismatics : - the study of coins and metals
  • Odontology : - the scientific study of the teeth
  • Ornithology : - the study of birds
  • Orthoepy : - the study of correct pronunciation
  • Pedagogy : - the art or method of teaching
  • Petrology : - the study of rocks/crust
  • Philately : - the collection and study of postage/revenue stamps etc
  • Philology : - the study of written records, their authenticity etc
  • Phonetics : - the study of speech sounds and the production, transmission, reception
  • Physiognomy : - the study of human face
  • Paleography : - the study of ancient writings
  • Rhetoric : - the art of elegant speech or writing
  • Sericulture : - the raising of silk worms for the production of raw silk
  • Seismology : - the study of earthquakes and the phenomenon associated with it
  • Spelelogy : - the study of caves
  • Telepathy : - communication between minds by some means other than sensory perception
  • Zoology : - the study of animal life
  • Sample Questions
    (More Questions for each concept available in Login)
    Question : 1

    Choose the correct alternative from the following options which can substitute the following word :

    The study of coins and metals

    Right Option : A
    View Explanation
    Question : 2

    Choose the correct alternative from the following options which can substitute the following word :

    The study of tissues

    Right Option : C
    View Explanation
    Question : 3

    Choose the correct alternative from the following options which can substitute the following word :

    The study of birds

    Right Option : B
    View Explanation

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