Divisibility Rule of 10

Concept Explanation

Divisibility Rule of 10

The Rule for 10: Numbers that are divisible by 10 need to be even and divisible by 5, because the prime factors of 10 are 5 and 2. Basically, this means that for a number to be divisible by 10, the last digit must be a 0.  

Illustration 1 : Determine whether 23,890 is divisible by 10 or not ? Take a look at the last digit: 23,890. The last digit is a 0. So this number is even and divisible by 5.

That means that it is also divisible by 10.

 Illustration 2 : Determine whether 85,395 is divisible by 10 or not ? Take a look at the last digit: 85,395. The last digit is a 5. So this number is odd and divisible by 5. Because the number is not even.

So, it is not divisible by 10. It has to end in 0 to be divisible by 10.

Illustration 3 : Determine whether 56,870 is divisible by 10 or not ?

Take a look at the last digit:56,870.The last digit is 0. So this number is even and divisible by 5.

That means , it is also divisible by 10.

Illustration 4 : Determine whether 36,650 is divisible by 10 or not ?

Take a look at the last digit:36,650.The last digit is 0. So this number is even and divisible by 5.

That means , it is also divisible by 10.

Sample Questions
(More Questions for each concept available in Login)
Question : 1

Which number is divisible by 3 and 10?

Right Option : D
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Question : 2

Which of the following number is divisible by 10 ?

35246, 57465,67457,46571,47563

Right Option : D
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Question : 3

Which of the following numbers are divisible by 10 ?

3526465, 3464532, 5347510, 3457468 5346776,3574376,3565420,3241540

Right Option : D
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