Potential Difference

Concept Explanation

Potential Difference

Electric Potential:

Electric potential at a point in electric field is defined to be equal to the minimum work done by an external agent in moving a unit positive charge from infinity or a reference point to that point against the electrical force of the field. If W is the work done by external agent in bringing a positive test charge qo  from infinity to a point then the potential V at that point,

large V=frac{W_{ext}}{q_{0}}   

According to Newtons Third Law of motion i.e. for every action there is equal and opposite reaction

The work done by an external agent in bringing a positive test charge qo  from infinity to a point will be equal and opposite ti the work done by the electric field on a positive test charge qo, if

 W_{E}=work;done;by;electric field

W_{E}= -W_{Ext}


The SI unit of electric potential is joule/coulomb or volt.

Potential Difference: Potential difference between two points is equal to the minimum work done in moving a unit positive test charge from one point to the other.

V_{B}-V_{A}=frac{W_{AB}}{q_{0}}Rightarrow W_{AB}=q_{0}(V_{B}-V_{A}),  

   W_{E} is the work done by the electric field then


W_{E.}=-W_{AB}= -q_0(V_B-V_A)


Hence the work done by external agent


And Work done by the electric field is


 We know that heat energy flows from the higher temperature to the lower temperature, and this process stops when the both are at the same temperature. Same is the case with electricity, when the ends of an electrical conductor are at different potentials or we can say that when there is a potential difference - charge in the conductor flow from the higher potential to the lower potential.The flow of charge persists until both ends reach the same potential. Without a potential difference, no flow of charge will take place.

Illustration: How much work is done in moving a charge of 2 C from a point of 118 V to a point at 128 V ?

Solution: Given, charge, q = 2 C

Potential at point A


and Potential at point B


Work done, W = ?   We know that,

Potential difference,

Delta V=V_{B}-V_{A}  =128-118=10V

large therefore  Work Done,


W_{AB}=q_{0};Delta V

W=Delta Vtimes q=10times2=20 J

So, the work done in moving the charge is 20 J.

Sample Questions
(More Questions for each concept available in Login)
Question : 1

When a potential difference is applied across the ends of a linear - metallic conductor: _________________

Right Option : B
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Question : 2

Which of the following statements are true?

1. During electrolysis charge does not flows through electrolyte solution via electrons.

2. The randomly moving electrons in a metal wire will start moving in a potential difference is applied across it.

3. A negatively charged particle has higher electric potential than a positively charged particle.

4. Charge flows only through negative charge carriers like electrons

Right Option : B
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Question : 3

Which of the following statement is correct for the movement of electrons between two points ?

Right Option : B
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