
Metals And Non Metals - Concepts
Class - RRB Technician Grade III Subjects
Concept Explanation


Alloys: Alloy is a mixture of two or more metals (e.g. bronze) or of a metal with small amounts of non-metal (e.g. steel). Alloys have properties different from the constituent metals. It is possible to make alloys having required properties. Table below lists some of the commonly used alloys, their constituents and uses. Common Alloys, Constituents and Uses

Common Alloys, Constituents and Uses

SteelIron and CarbonConstruction of ships, buildings and vehicles
Stainless SteelIron, Nickel and ChomiumUtensils, equipment for food and dairy industry
BrassCopper and ZincVessels and fittings
BronzeCopper and TinStatues, ships and medals
SolderLead and TinSoldering joints
German SilverCopper, Nickel and ZincUtensils and other articles
DuraliumAluminium., Copper, and traces of Magnesium and ManganeseAir crafts and kitchenware



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