Express as Percentage

Concept Explanation

Express as Percentage

Express as Percentage: It means to calculate the value per hundred.

For Example: 

1. Ram had  20 apples and he gave Shyam 12 apples.Then the percentage of apples given will be

  = frac{12}{20} X 100 = 60%

2. Soniya gave 20% of her pocket money for charity. If she had 400 Rs.How much money did she give in charity.

Money given in charity = 20% of 400

large =frac{20}{100} X 400 = 80; Rs.

3. In an election, candidate A got 75% of the total valid votes. If 15% of the total votes were declared invalid and the total numbers of votes is 560000, find the number of valid vote polled in favour of candidate.


Total number of invalid votes = 15 % of 560000

                                               =frac{15}{100}; X; 560000

                                               = 84000

Total number of valid votes 560000 – 84000 = 476000

Number of valid vote polled in favour of candidate.= 75 % of 476000

                                                                               =frac{75}{100}; X; 476000

                                                                             = 357000

Sample Questions
(More Questions for each concept available in Login)
Question : 1

405 sweets were distributed equally among children in such a way that the number of sweets received by each child is 20% of the total number of children.

How many sweets did each child receive ? 

Right Option : B
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Question : 2

Express 400ml as a percentage of 1 litre.

Right Option : A
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Question : 3

Convert the following percentage to fractions and ratios:


Right Option : A
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